Fly Fishing In Ireland Great Fishing Houses of Ireland

Fishery News & Reports

Fishery News & Reports


April was a relatively quiet month on the Fishery. A few anglers fished on occasional days during the month but no fish were reported. However May is a much better month for Spring Salmon on the Fishery and we are looking forward to our first fish of the season very soon. Accommodation and fishing are still available during the month.

The Sea Trout Project continues on the Fishery – Staff are assisted the Research Section with the new Salmonid West Research Project. This involves surgical inserting acoustic tags into 6 sea trout kelts and 20 sea trout smolts. The fish are subsequently tracked through a ‘receiver’ placed 2.4 kilometres downstream of the Tawnyard Trapping Site.
An initial download of this receiver showed that 13 fish had passed through. The other 7 receivers are placed at different locations in the Killary. Additional tagging will take place next month. It will be very interesting to find out the movements of the sea trout and salmon smolts as they migrate out the Killary to the feeding grounds.

Sea Lice Research

A total of 16,000 salmon smolts were released into the lower end of the river on the 28th. of the month after imprinting in the holding tanks at Aasleagh for almost 8 week. The fish were divided into two groups and are part of ongoing research into the effects of sea lice on salmon stocks as they migrate to the feeding grounds.

Salmon smolts being released into the Coronation Pool on Beat 8.

For information of availability in the Lodge or Fishery please contact the Manager,James Stafford at 095 42252 or