Posted in Aug 2015
August was a frustrating month weather wise, with mostly high winds, excessive rain and very cold air temperatures. However, the trout fishing on Inagh was fairly decent. In total there were 163 Sea Trout and 200 Brown Trout recorded. There were some exceptional fish landed including William Hamilton (Dublin) with a Sea Trout of nearly 5lbs (See Pic) and Dan O Donovan (Cork) with one of 4lbs. Top flies for the lake were the usual Inagh favorites Silver Daddy, Pearly Dabbler and Green Peter. The Salmon fishing was lean enough with 17 fish reported for the month, most of the fish were caught on the lake.
The annual Inagh - Cornamona Challenge was fished on Sunday 30 August, and 14 anglers recorded 96 trout in total with the Inagh team coming out on top with 49 fish. Top rod went to Joe Creane with 19 fish. September is usually the best month for the lake and hopefully 2015 will be no different. Places are limited so early booking is advised. Contact hotel reception 095 34706 to book boats and beats.